Medical Quiz

Topics: Infectious Disease and Pathogens Quiz

What 2 features do eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not?

A. membrane-bound organelles and DNA

B. DNA and Nucleus

C. Cell Wall and Ribosomes

D. Membrane-bound organelles and Nucleus

Select your answer:


Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Eye and Ear Thyroid Lymphatic System Transportation and Excretion DNA, RNA, Proteins Communicable Disease Bone Development and Remodeling Macromolecules & Enzymes Dentistry Conjunctivita Gastroenterology Chest, Back, Abs Dermatology Vocabulary Musculoskeletal System

Other quiz:

Infectious Disease and Pathogens › View

Which of the following terms refers to spherical-shaped bacteria?

A. bacilli

B. cocci

C. spirochetes

D. flagella

Physical › View

Body energy during throwing divided into ?

A. 1 ; High energy only

B. 2 ;High and low energy

C. 3 ;High ,medium and low energy