Medical Quiz

Topics: Immunology: T cell Development Quiz

The first gene rearrangement in the double negative stage is of the ___ chain

A. beta chain

B. alpha chain

Select your answer:


Hospital Departments Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Prehabilitation and Conditioning Water Macromolecules Non-Communicable Disease Human Eye and Colourful World Parathyroid Gland Cosmetology Anatomy Molecular Basis of Inheritance Macro and Micro Nutrients Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Healthcare Careers Neurological Disorders Body Defense Neuroanatomy & Physiology

Other quiz:

Genetics › View

Mutations in DNA are very common since the human body copies millions of pieces of DNA. A student claims that most of these mutations in DNA are harmful.

Is the claim correct?
A. Yes. Most mutations stop the cells from functioning properly.

B. Yes. Most mutations are inherited and harm future generations.

C. No. Most mutations are corrected by enzymes in the body before the mutations take effect.

D. No. Most mutations are beneficial.

Healthy Foundations › View

Risk factors increase the chances a person will develop a disease or experience an injury, while _________ factors reduce these chances.

A. positive

B. plus

C. safety

D. protective