Medical Quiz

Histology HS Quiz


In the follicles of the lymph node, T-lymphocytes inhabit:

A. Germinal center

B. Mantle zone

C. Marginal zone

D. Paracortical zone

E. Capsule

The hematothymic barrier is located in:

A. Cortex

B. Medulla

C. Both cortex and medulla

D. Organ capsule

E. There is no such barrier in the thymus

The stroma of the spleen is formed by:

A. Adipose tissue

B. Epithelial tissue

C. Muscle tissue

D. Reticular connective tissue

E. Lymphoid tissue

The cellular composition of the mantle zone of the spleen is:

A. Small B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells

B. T-lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, platelets

C. B-lymphocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages, plasma cells

D. B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, plasma cells

E. B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, macrophages, interdigitating cells

The thymus-dependent zone (T-zone) of the spleen is:

A. Periarterial zone

B. Germinal center

C. Mantle zone

D. Marginal zone

E. Medulla

Morphological signs of age-related involution of the thymus are:

A. Proliferation of epithelial tissue

B. Decrease in lymphocytes and development of adipose, connective tissue

C. Increase in the number of lymphocytes

D. Accumulation of tissue basophils

E. Proliferation of muscle tissue

The red pulp of the spleen is formed by:

A. Lymphatic follicles

B. Medullary cords and sinuses

C. Paracortical zone

D. Capsule and trabeculae

E. Reticular tissue with erythrocytes and other blood cells

The thymus-dependent zone (T-zone) of the lymph node is:

A. Lymphatic follicles

B. Medullary cords

C. Paracortical zone

D. Capsule and trabeculae

E. Sinuses

Hassall’s corpuscles are:

A. Layered epithelial cells

B. Reticular cells

C. Interdigitating macrophages

D. Dendritic cells

E. T-lymphocytes

Memory B-cells are formed in:

A. Paracortical zones

B. Periarterial zones

C. Medullary cords

D. Germinal centers

E. Red pulp

The difference between yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow is:

A. Absence of developing blood cells and development of adipose tissue

B. Absence of adipose cells

C. Strong development of reticular tissue

D. Presence of developing blood cells

E. Presence of epithelial cells

The hematopoietic organ containing red and white pulp is:

A. Red bone marrow

B. Lymph nodes

C. Tonsils

D. Spleen

E. Thymus

The hematopoietic organ whose lymphatic follicles contain a central artery is:

A. Thymus

B. Spleen

C. Tonsil

D. Lymph nodes

E. Appendix

The stroma of the thymus is:

A. Loose connective tissue

B. Dense connective tissue

C. Reticulo-epithelium

D. Adipose tissue

E. Dense connective tissue

The cellular composition in the reactive centers of lymph node follicles is:

A. Erythroblasts, myeloblasts, monoblasts

B. Erythroblasts, platelets

C. B-lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, dendritic macrophages

D. T-lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, interdigitating macrophages

E. Granulocytes, macrophages, tissue basophils

Antigen-independent differentiation of T-lymphocytes occurs in:

A. Thymus

B. Lymph nodes

C. Spleen

D. Palatine tonsils

E. Peripheral lymphoid organs

The stroma of the red bone marrow is:

A. Loose connective tissue

B. Dense connective tissue

C. Reticular tissue

D. Adipose tissue

E. Bone tissue

The stroma of the spleen consists of:

A. Loose connective tissue

B. Dense connective tissue

C. Reticulo-endothelial tissue

D. Adipose tissue

E. Reticular tissue

The cells forming the medullary cords of the lymph node are:

A. Granulocytes, macrophages, tissue basophils

B. B-lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells

C. T-lymphocytes, macrophages

D. Erythrocytes, platelets

E. Erythroblasts, myeloblasts, monoblasts

The white pulp of the spleen is formed by:

A. Lymphatic follicles

B. Reticulocytes and erythrocytes

C. Capsule with trabeculae

D. Paracortical zone

E. Medullary cords and sinuses

The parenchyma of the red bone marrow consists of:

A. Blood cells at various stages of development

B. Reticular cells

C. Fibroblasts and fibrocytes

D. Osteoblasts and osteocytes

E. Intercellular substance

Processes occurring with lymph as it passes through the lymph node are:

A. Decrease in the number of lymphocytes

B. Cleansing and enriching the lymph with lymphocytes

C. Appearance of granulocytes

D. Appearance of platelets

E. Appearance of leukocytes

The destruction of erythrocytes occurs in:

A. Thymus

B. Lymph nodes

C. Spleen

D. Tonsils

E. Red bone marrow

Cells of the thymus secreting thymosin, thymalin, thymopoietin are:

A. Lymphoblasts

B. Supporting epithelial cells

C. Secretory epithelial cells

D. Dendritic cells

E. Macrophages

The cellular composition of the paracortical zone of the lymph node is:

A. B-lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, dendritic macrophages

B. Erythrocytes, platelets

C. T-lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, interdigitating macrophages

D. Granulocytes, macrophages, tissue basophils

E. Erythroblasts, myeloblasts, monoblasts


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