Topics: Food System & Nutrients Quiz
Which of the following foods is NOT a protein?
A. Orange
B. Steak
C. Eggs
D. Chicken
Select your answer:
Molecular Basis of Inheritance Molecular Biology SSTI and Bone Infections Circulatory and Nervous System Endocrine System Energy and Metabolism Bacteria Brain Cell Injury First Aid Check up Erythrocyte Disorders Carbohydrates and Proteins BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer The Cell ReceptorsOther quiz:
Musculoskeletal System › ViewWhat is the longest bone in the human body?
A. Tibia
B. Femur
C. Radius
D. Humerus
Muscular System Movements › View
Movements that you choose to control
A. Cramp
B. Voluntary
C. Strain
D. Involuntary