Medical Quiz

Topics: Fluid and Electrolytes Quiz

What is the greatest threat to a child that has been vomiting and having diarrhea ?

A. Fatigue due to dehydration

B. Seizure due to electrolyte imbalances

C. Hypovolemic shock due to hypotonic dehydration

D. Hypovolemic shock due to isotonic dehydration

Select your answer:


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What kind of rehabilitative care do animal shelters offer?

A. Care for orphaned, ill, and injured wildlife

B. Care for lost pets only

C. Care for exotic animals only

D. Care for farm animals only

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The school headteacher has been able to resolve conflicts among teachers, the action that has made the school have a maximum learning environment. Which one of the following branches of psychology has been applied?

A. industrial/organizational psychology

B. social psychology

C. counselling psychology

D. developmental psychology