Medical Quiz

Topics: Enzyme Quiz

Enzymes are composed of which of the following monomers? (Hint: Enzymes are proteins. What is the monomer for a protein?)

A. amino acids

B. proteins

C. nucleotides

D. monosaccharides

Select your answer:


Cell Vocabulary Health and Nutrition Healthcare Systems and Insurance Hemodynamic Disorder Population Ecology Psychopathology Branches of Microbiology Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Measles and Hib Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Non-infectious Disease Micro Immunology Protozoan Diseases Medication Administration

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the study of knowledge, truth, and the nature of ultimate reality. 

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B. Theology

C. Anthropology

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The First 10 Amendments are referred to as

A. The Big 10

B. The Bill of Rights

C. The Declaration of Independence

D. Magna Carta