Medical Quiz

Topics: Endocrine System and Nervous System Quiz

Group of cells that make special chemicals in your body

A. receptors

B. glands

C. hormone makers

Select your answer:


Nervous and Endocrine System Asthma Excretion Joints & Movement Immunisation Multicellular Organisms Meiosis and intro to Genetics Dental Caries Physio Intro Practice Oral Surgery ology & phobia Autism Awareness DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Hematology Genes and DNA

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Difficulty in breathing which progressively worsens over time usually due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

A. influenza

B. pneumonia

C. dyspnea

D. tuberculosis

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What is the recommended reheating temperature?

A. below -18c

B. between 1 & 4c

C. above 82c

D. 100c