Medical Quiz

Topics: Endocrine System and Nervous System Quiz

Group of cells that make special chemicals in your body

A. receptors

B. glands

C. hormone makers

Select your answer:


Hygiene and Nutrition Eyes Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Cholera Balanced Diet Bones Anatomy Carbohydrates and Proteins Body Fluids and Blood Cells Motor Neuron Disease Cell Review DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Biology Organization of Systems Muscle pathophysiology

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Which enzyme is responsible for adding the free nucleotides to the replicating DNA? ​

A. DNA Helicase

B. DNA Ligase

C. DNA polyermase

D. RNA Polymerase

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Identifying Structures of the Musculoskeletal System

Label D
A. ligament

B. cartilage

C. tendon

D. muscle

E. bone