Medical Quiz

EMR - Trauma Quiz



A. Tissue that contracts and relaxes to create movement.

B. Tissue which allows the body to cool after a workout.

C. Fibrous band that holds bones together at a joint.

D. Fibrous band that regulates atrophy.

The strong, white, fibrous membrane that covers bones and through which blood vessels and nerves pass is called the:

A. calcium 

B. protein

C. periosteum

D. cartilage

Injuries involving muscles result in _________

A. Sprain

B. Luxation

C. Strain

When performing the first aid on a person with suspected ______________ injury, avoid bending, flexing or twisting the person’s head or neck.

A. upper limb

B. lower limb

C. pelvis

D. spine

All the following are part of the musculoskeletal system except:

A. bones

B. joints

C. cartilage

D. skin

In an explosion, people are injured by flying debris; what type of injuries have they sustained?

A. Primary blast injuries

B. Secondary blast injuries

C. Tertiary blast injuries

D. Miscellaneous blast injuries

In blunt abdominal trauma, the incidence of blunt bowel and mesenteric injuries is frequent.



The leading cause of death for people 44 and younger is…

A. Stroke

B. Cardiac problems

C. Traumatic injuries

D. Diabetes

The circulation of blood within an organ or tissue in adequate amounts is:

A. Homeostasis

B. Hypoxia

C. Ischemia

D. Perfusion


A. Structure where two or more bones are joined.

B. Excessive stretching and tearing of muscles or tendons.

C. Splint or other methods to keep an injured body part from moving.

D. Method to allow movement to an injured area.

After taking Standard Precautions, exposing the area, and controlling any external bleeding, the next step in immobilizing a long-bone fracture is:

A. assessing distall PMS

B. applying manual traction

C. measuring the splint

D. applying the splint

The best way to give first aid to a person with head injury is by _____________________ and observe the victim closely.

A. giving 5 times back flow

B. compressing chest 30 times

C. giving 2 breathing rescue

D. stabilizing the head and neck

Your awareness and concern for potentially serious underlying and unseen injuries.

A. Mechanism of injury

B. Nature of illness

C. Differential Diagnosis

D. Index of suspicion

What is the role of ligaments?

A. Connect bones to bones

B. Connects bone to muscle

If a patient’s injured leg appears shorter than the other, an EMR should suspect:

A. patella injury

B. ankle dislocation

C. fibula injury

D. hip fracture


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