Medical Quiz

Topics: Digestive System Quiz

Your food can spend up to this long in the small intestine:

A. 4 minutes

B. 4 hours

C. 4 months

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

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Which trait do cardiac and smooth muscle share?

A. voluntary

B. involuntary

C. nonstriated

D. striated

Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food › View

I. Dietary management of adverse food reactions involve thorough recording of food and symptoms experienced over a period of 7 to 14 days to carefully analyze the culprit of allergic reaction.

II. Once a food is suspected to cause clinical symptoms, it will be eliminated in the diet for 4 to 12 weeks (food elimination).

A. Statement I is correct

B. Statement II is correct

C. Both statements are correct

D. Both statements are incorrect