Medical Quiz

Topics: Characteristics of Life Quiz

All organisms contain instruction molecules that help determine which traits the organism will have is an example of 

A. universal genetic code (DNA/RNA)

B. metabolism

C. evolution

D. growth and development

Select your answer:


Vitamins Forensic Pathology Renal & Neural Neuroanatomy & Physiology Infection Renal, Cancer, HIV Human Body Systems Pulmonary System The Brain Our Control Center Brain and Nervous System Human Body and Pathogens Cell & Bond Multicellular Organisms: Organisation The Circulatory System Health Care

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Which vessels transport lymph?

A. blood vessels

B. lymph vessels

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How would you search for the bulge sing?

A. With the knee extended, place the left hand above the knee and apply pressure on the suprapatellar pouch, displacing fluid downward

B. Place the thumb and index finger of your right hand on each side of the patella