Medical Quiz

Topics: Central Nervous System Quiz

What part of the brain controls you movement, sense of touch, taste, and temperature?

A. temporal lobe

B. occipital lobe

C. parietal lobe

D. cerebellum

E. frontal Lobe

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Muscle System Hospitality Cell & Bond PHE Obstructive Lung Disease Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Selective Breeding Blood Cells Dermis Hearing Impairment Health and Social Care Living Organisms Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Vitals Cell Cycle Problems

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When performing an ECG, the patient should be put into what position?

A. Prone

B. Trendelenburg

C. Dorsal recumbent

D. Supine

Pulmonology › View

The lamina propria of the respiratory mucosa consists of which of the following connective tissues?

A. reticular

B. adipose

C. dense fibrous

D. areolar

E. elastic