Medical Quiz

Topics: Cardiovascular Nursing Quiz

The stethoscope bell should be pressed lightly against the skin so that:

A. chest hair doesn’t simulate crackles

B. high-pitched sounds can be heard better

C. it does not act as a diaphragm

D. it does not interfere with amplification of heart sounds

Select your answer:


Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses BMI (Body Mass Index) Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Histology HS EMR Pathophysiology Sensory System Key Terms Fainting and Nosebleed SCI CH2-1 Protein Synthesis Enzymes Communicable Disease Foodborne Illness Oxygenation Anatomy Respiratory System Musculoskeletal Injuries Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises

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What is a healthy way to manage stress?
A. Do something you love
B. Physical activity
C. Draw or write
D. All of the above

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What is a vaccine?

A. A weakened pathogen injected in the body to produce immunity

B. Temporary immunity that develops as natural exposure

C. An overreaction of the immune system

D. Medicine that helps after you’re infected