Topics: Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Quiz
What medications are used to treat hypertension?
A. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Bile acid sequestrants
c. Calcium antagonists
B. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Diuretics
c. Calcium antagonists
C. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Anti-diuretics
c. Fibrates
D. a. ACE inhibitors
b. Statins
c. Calcium antagonists
Select your answer:
Nasal Polyp Urinary System Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery The Circulatory System Mental Health Cell Cycle Movement and Locomotion Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Thyroid Disease Cards Cardiorespiratory Endurance Biochemistry of Diabetes Body Fluids Muscular System Movements MicrobiologyOther quiz:
Biotechnology › ViewWhat is the most complete and accurate definition of biotechnology?
A. Domestication of plants and animals.
B. The study of biology with a focus on modern technologies
C. The use or modification of living organisms to develop or make products
D. Modern farming techniques
Somatotypes › View
What does body composition refer to?
A. % of Body Fat
B. The shape of your muscles
C. How much ‘gainz’ you have
D. Limb Length