Brain/Neuron Anatomy Quiz
This part of the brain is responsible for balance and coordination.
A. Occipital
B. Frontal
C. Cerebellum
Send electrical impulses to neighboring neurons
A. Dendrite
B. Synapse
C. Axon
This part of the brain is responsible for recieving and processing sound as well as emotions.
A. Temporal
B. Parietal
C. Limbic
This part of the brain is responsible for personality; movement of the body; emotional reactions; problem solving.
A. Frontal
B. Limbic
C. Parietal
This part of the brain is responsible for touch and pressure; body awareness
A. Parietal
B. Temporal
C. Frontal
Cover the axon; insulation to help keep electrical signals inside the cell
A. Myelin Sheath
B. Dendrite
C. Synapse
Transfers electrical impulse signals from the cell body to the synapse.
A. Dendrite
B. Axon
C. Synapse
Receive electrical impulses from neighboring neurons
A. Synapse
B. Dendrite
C. Axon
This part of the brain is responsible for vision.
A. Frontal
B. Occipital
C. Parietal
This part of the brain is inside the brain; controls emotions like happiness, sadness, and love
A. Temporal
B. Cerebellum
C. Limbic
Cell body; contains most of the cell’s organeles
A. Soma
B. Dendrite
C. Axon