Blood Typing Quiz
A car wreck victim is in need of a blood transfusion. The victim’s blood type is B+. What type of blood can they safely receive?
A. B+ or O+ only
B. B+ or AB+ only
C. B+, B-, O+ or O-
D. Anything but type A+ or A- blood
E. B+, B-, AB+ or AB-
Someone who has Type O blood has what for antibodies (clumping proteins)?
A. No antibodies
B. A antibodies
C. B antibodies
D. A and B antibodies
Which blood type is known as the universal donor? (can be used by all)
A. AB +
B. AB –
C. O+
D. O-
Someone with Type A blood also has…
A. Type A antibodies
B. Type B antibodies
C. both Type A & B antibodies
D. neither Type A nor B antibodies
Which blood type is also known as the universal recipient?
A. O-
B. O+
C. AB+
D. AB-
Someone with both Type A & B antibodies is which blood type?
A. A
B. B
D. O
A substance on the surface of red blood cells that can trigger the production of antibodies
A. agglutinates
B. antigens
C. anemia
D. Rh Factor
These are found in blood and help the blood to clot…
A. white blood cells
B. platelets
C. plasma
D. red blood cells
These are found in blood and help fight infections…
A. white blood cells
B. platelets
C. plasma
D. red blood cells
In which row of the chart would agglutination most likely occur?
A. Row 1
B. Row 2
C. Row 3
D. Row 4
What is the blood type?
A. O+
B. B+
C. AB-
D. AB+
Proteins produced by the immune system that destroy foreign substances…
A. antigens
B. agglutinates
C. platelets
D. antibodies
This is the colorless liquid in which the components of blood are suspended…
A. red blood cells
B. platelets
C. plasma
D. white blood cells
What types of antigens are present in a person with O+ blood?
A. A and B
B. Rh, only
C. A, B and Rh
D. None
Someone with Type A blood has…
A. A antigens
B. A antibodies
C. B antigens
D. A & B antigens