Biochemistry in Anatomy Quiz
Which of the following is organic?
A. H2O (water)
B. O2 (oxygen gas inhaled)
C. C6H12O6 (glucose)
D. CO2 (carbon dioxide)
Which of the following is true regarding lipids?
A. 2nd energy source
B. padding & protection
C. keeps you warm
D. all of the above
Which element is not commonly found in carbohyrates?
A. sulfur
B. oxygen
C. hydrogen
D. carbon
The pH of the blood is usually between
A. 3.35-4.35
B. 8.35-9.45
C. 7.35-7.45
D. 6.02- 6.60
Which of the following is true regarding enzymes?
A. operate according to the lock and key model
B. can be reused for same type of reaction
C. have specific temperature and pH operating ranges
D. All of the above
Which inorganic compound plays a role in maintaining body temperature?
A. carbon dioxide
B. water
C. glucose
D. magnesium
Althletes tend to eat a lot of this organic compound when preparing for a game/meet?
A. carbohydrates
B. lipids
C. nucleic acids
D. proteins
The human body stores sugar (in muscles & liver) in the form of –
A. cellulose
B. glucose
C. starch
D. glycogen
Which organic compound is made of amino acids?
A. lipids
B. nucleic acids
C. proteins
D. carbohydrates
Which diagram represents a molecule that is found in sugar, starches, and grains?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Which sugars are best providing consistent energy over time?
A. monosaccharides
B. disaccharides
C. polysaccharides
Which diagram represents a molecule found in fats, oils, and waxes?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Which of the following does not affect an enzyme?
A. changes in pH
B. presence of certain chemicals
C. changes in temperature
D. presence of water
Which of the following is not an example of a function of a lipid?
A. long term energy storage
B. insulation
C. making up cell membranes
D. antibodies
A lipid molecule is best represented by which diagram.
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D