Medical Quiz

Bio Cells Quiz


What is the role of the Golgi apparatus in a cell?

A. DNA replication

B. Protein modification and packaging

C. Lipid synthesis

D. Energy production

What is the main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

A. Presence of a cell wall

B. Presence of a nucleus

C. Presence of ribosomes

D. Presence of DNA

Which type of macromolecule is primarily responsible for storing genetic information?

A. Proteins

B. Lipids

C. Nucleic acids

D. Carbohydrates

Describe the role of the cytoskeleton in maintaining cell shape and structure.

A. It provides energy for the cell.

B. It synthesizes proteins.

C. It provides mechanical support and helps maintain cell shape.

D. It stores genetic information.

How does the structure of DNA differ between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

A. Prokaryotic DNA is linear, while eukaryotic DNA is circular.

B. Prokaryotic DNA is circular, while eukaryotic DNA is linear.

C. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA are linear.

D. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA are circular.

What is the primary function of ribosomes in a cell?

A. Energy production

B. Protein synthesis

C. DNA replication

D. Lipid synthesis

Predict the effect of removing mitochondria from a eukaryotic cell.

A. The cell will continue to produce energy normally.

B. The cell will lose its ability to produce ATP efficiently.

C. The cell will become more efficient at protein synthesis.

D. The cell will be able to photosynthesize.

Describe the role of enzymes in biochemical reactions.

A. Enzymes slow down reactions.

B. Enzymes act as catalysts to speed up reactions.

C. Enzymes are consumed in reactions.

D. Enzymes are not specific to substrates.

Which of the following is a monosaccharide?

A. Sucrose

B. Glucose

C. Lactose

D. Maltose

Analyze the consequences of a malfunctioning lysosome in a eukaryotic cell.

A. The cell will produce more energy.

B. The cell will accumulate waste and damaged organelles.

C. The cell will become more efficient at protein synthesis.

D. The cell will be able to photosynthesize.

Which organelle is responsible for cellular respiration?

A. Chloroplast

B. Golgi apparatus

C. Mitochondria

D. Endoplasmic reticulum

Compare and contrast the functions of the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

A. Both are involved in protein synthesis.

B. Rough ER synthesizes proteins, while smooth ER synthesizes lipids.

C. Rough ER synthesizes lipids, while smooth ER synthesizes proteins.

D. Both are involved in lipid synthesis.

What is the role of the cell membrane in maintaining homeostasis?

A. It controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

B. It synthesizes proteins.

C. It produces energy for the cell.

D. It stores genetic information.

How does the high specific heat of water benefit living organisms?

A. It allows water to evaporate quickly.

B. It helps maintain stable temperatures in organisms and environments.

C. It makes water a good solvent.

D. It increases the density of water.

Which property of water allows it to dissolve many substances?

A. Cohesion

B. Adhesion

C. Polarity

D. High specific heat

What is the primary function of the mitochondria in a cell?

A. Protein synthesis

B. Energy production

C. Lipid synthesis

D. DNA replication

Monosaccharide (Simple sugar) is the monomer of a

A. nucleic acid

B. lipid

C. carbohydrate

D. protein

Identify the main structural difference between plant and animal cells.

A. Plant cells have a cell wall, while animal cells do not.

B. Animal cells have chloroplasts, while plant cells do not.

C. Plant cells have mitochondria, while animal cells do not.

D. Animal cells have a cell wall, while plant cells do not.

Evaluate the importance of water’s cohesive and adhesive properties in the process of transpiration in plants.

A. Cohesion and adhesion are not involved in transpiration.

B. Cohesion helps water molecules stick together, and adhesion helps them stick to plant tissues.

C. Only cohesion is important for transpiration.

D. Only adhesion is important for transpiration.

Which organelle is responsible for photosynthesis in plant cells?

A. Mitochondria

B. Chloroplast

C. Nucleus

D. Endoplasmic reticulum


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