Medical Quiz

Introduction to Mycology Quiz

Fungi get their food by

A. eating bugs

B. absorbing sunlight

C. releasing chemicals that breakdown organic matter and absorb the nutrients

D. through animal waste and decaying wood

Select your answer:


Lungs Burns and Skin Cancer Circulatory and Nervous System Microrganisms Infection Illness and Symptoms Cybersecurity in Healthcare Digestive System and Nutrition Skeletal Tissue Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Osteoporosis Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Laboratory Careers Bones, Joints and Muscles Nervous System Functioning

Other quiz:

Mouth - Stomach › View

The teeth and tongue of the oral cavity break foodstuff down physically. This is an example of

A. mechanical digestion

B. chemical digestion

C. absorption

D. peristalsis

Hygiene and Nutrition › View

We should always keep medicine in a _____cupboard.

A. Open

B. Closed