Medical Quiz

Brain Quiz

Which part of the eye is the outer white part of the eye?

A. cornea

B. iris

C. ciliary body

D. sclera

Select your answer:


Heart Perioperative Nursing Care Circulation of Blood Immunity in Humans ology & phobia Vital Signs Principle of Health Science Hair Evidence Human Organs The Circulatory System Bio Cells Dermatology Physical Fitness Components Blood Pathology Dementia

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Nutrition & Wellness › View

How much of your plate should consist of fruits and vegetables when following the myplate recommendations?

A. All

B. Most

C. Half

Respiratory › View

Tiny air bags inside lungs through which O2 enters the blood (to send O2 to the blood circulation system) , is one of the function of

A. Lungs

B. Pleura

C. Alveoli

D. Epiglottis