Medical Quiz

Pancreas Quiz

Glucagon is released in response to:

A. low blood glucose levels

B. high blood glucose levels

C. low blood salt levels

D. low blood calcium levels

Select your answer:


Consciousness and Sleep Cell Structure and Function Concept Immune System Introduction to Histology Nutrient Cycling Epithelial Tissue Pollution Skeletal Tissue Movement Bacterial Growth Thyroid Gland Coronary Heart Diseases Infectious Disease and Pathogens Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Non-infectious Disease

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Movements that you cannot control

A. Strain

B. Sprain

C. Voluntary

D. Involuntary

Biology › View

from the digested food transferred to the lymph through the villi is the ………

A. glycerol & fatty acids inky

B. fats only

C. glycerol, fatty acids & K E D A vitamins.

D. glucose & amino acids