Medical Quiz

Cytology and Histology Quiz

Which of these structures you are most likely to compare with given example: ‘Imagine a fisherman casting a fishing line into the water. If there is no fish at the end of the line, the line is quickly reeled back in, and a new cast is made. However, if a fish bites, the line remains in place, keeping the fish tethered to the fisherman.’?

A. Actin monomers

B. Kinesin protein

C. Nucleus

D. Centrosome

Select your answer:


BIOMEDICAL MCQ Body Defense Ortho Ward Simulation Forensic Odontology Ears Micro Immunology Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Oral Surgery Major Internal Organs of the Body Oronasal Suctioning Illness and Symptoms Principle of Health Science Integumentary System

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attached to bones

A. cardiac

B. smooth

C. skeletal