Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

What is the oesophagus

A. A tube leading down from the back of the mouth that takes air down to the lungs

B. A tube leading down from the back of the mouth that takes food down to the stomach

C. Cells that produce mucus

D. Helps break down fats in the duodenum

Select your answer:


Enzymes and Their Functions Vessels Integumentary System Muscular System NCHSE Infectious Disease and Pathogens Iron Kinetics Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Vital Signs DNA Structure and Function Perioperative Nursing Care Humanistic and Biological Psychology Disease Eye and Ear Human Reproduction Nutrition and Calorific Value

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This is the practice of producing a genetically identical cell or organism

A. Cloning

B. Gel Electrophoresis

C. Genetic Engineering

D. DNA Fingerprinting

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It is the site of gaseous exchange in human lungs.

A. villi

B. alveoli

C. trachea

D. larynx