Medical Quiz

Skeletal Pathology Quiz

removal of vertebral posterior arch to correct severe back problems and pain caused by compression of spinal nerve (lamina / surgical removal)

A. osteoclasia

B. chondrectomy

C. bursectomy

D. laminectomy

Select your answer:


Parts of the Brain Infectious Disease and Pathogens Hemodynamic Disorder Bacterial Protein Synthesis Inhbitors Endocrinology Dental Caries Cell and Muscle Histology Contemporary Nutrition Issues Meiosis and intro to Genetics My Teeth Antibiotic in Orthopaedics PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Cardiovascular System Terminology Metabolic Sauver Medical Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Viruses Biomolecules › View

What part of the virus is number 3?
A.     Capsid
B.     DNA
C.     Surface Markers
D.     Envelope

HHB Immunology › View

organelles in phagocytes that contain digestive enzymes to destroy engulfed pathogens 

A. lysosomes 

B. B lymphocytes 

C. non-specific defences 

D. phagocytosis