Medical Quiz

Skeletal Pathology Quiz

correcting fracture by realigning bone fragments

A. cast

B. fixation

C. reduction

D. traction

Select your answer:


Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Nasal Polyp Health Issues and Concerns Nutrition In Animal Benefits of Physical Activity Science Reproduction Skin Structure and Growth Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes The Cell Cycle Nervous System Fluid and Electrolytes Blood Pressure Cell Bio Patient-Centered Endocrinology Endocrinology

Other quiz:

Blood › View

Choose the correct term that means:ON THE SURFACE BODY

A. Superficial

B. Inferior, caudal

C. Prone

D. Lateral

E. Deep

Tracheostomy Care › View

A client has a tracheostomy inserted due to copious amounts of tracheobronchial secretions r/t pneumonia. What is the primary purpose for a trach on this person?

A. Increasing the size of the airway for better oxygenation.

B. Improving oxygenation to the brain and essential organs.

C. To prevent trauma from oral or nasal suctioning to the patient.

D. Airway maintenance and removal of excess mucous secretions.