Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Monozygotic twins are also known as which of the following?

A. Fraternal twins

B. Identical twins

C. Sibling twins

D. Non-identical twins

Select your answer:


The Cell Cycle & Cancer Cardiovascular System Terminology Muscle System Lungs Food System & Nutrients EKG Medical Term Skin Growth History of Medicine Characteristics of Life PHE Healthy Lifestyle Hematology / Oncology Chest, Back, Abs Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review Mitosis for Mya

Other quiz:

Vitamins › View

What does the term enrichment mean in terms of nutrition?

A. The body has taken in too many vitamins and it causes a shutdown of body processes

B. Certain vitamins are added to foods when they are not naturally present

C. A lack of most vitamins in the body which causes it to not function properly

D. It is when more vitamins are added to foods because to improve nutritional value or replace what was lost during processing

E. None of the above refer to fortification

Genetics and Probability › View

What is the probability of flipping a fair coin and getting heads?

A. 25%

B. 50%

C. 75%

D. 100%