Which of the following is a benefit of proper nutrition for muscle recovery?
A. Increased muscle soreness
B. Faster muscle repair
C. Decreased muscle mass
D. Reduced muscle strength
Select your answer:
Obstructive Lung Disease Body Immune Response Environment Circulatory & Respiratory Bacterial Protein Synthesis Inhbitors Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Advanced Stretching SM2 Health and Disease The Brain Polio Excretion in Humans Metabolic Sauver Iron Kinetics Mutation & Genetic EngineeringOther quiz:
Non-Communicable Disease › ViewA disorder that causes bones to become weak. The weak bones can lead to breaks.
A. Cancer
B. Arthritis
C. Osteoporosis
D. Heart Disease
Neuroanatomy › View
The paravermis of the cerebellum contains the cerebellum hommunculus, which part of the body does this area represent?
A. Arm
B. Neck
C. Trunk
D. None of the above