Medical Quiz

Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Quiz

If a human is composed of 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be in a human SPERM (sex) cell ?

A. 23

B. 25

C. 46

D. 52

Select your answer:


Heart Structure and Double Circulation CPR Musculoskeletal Anatomy: Knee Cells SPED Law-lympics Human Excretory System Cell Structure and Function Pathophysiology_Endocrine Injury Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Biochemistry Germs Nutrition form 2 Molecular Biology Parts of the Body

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The study of blood applied to crime is called 

A. Forensic Anatomy

B. Forensic Odonotology

C. Forensic Pathology

D. Forensic Serology

Health › View

In Body,Vaccines provide immunity from infectious diseases like Tetanus,Polio etc.This is-

A. Specific way of prevention

B. General way of prevention

C. Unpredictable way

D. All the above