Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal Disorders Quiz

What is a big sign of joint disease that affects both active and passive movements?

A. Causes swelling and tenderness in one spot in the joint

B. Limited range of motion (ROM) across all directions

C. Occurs with excessive pronation and supination of forearm with an extended wrist

D. Swelling and tenderness around the joint

Select your answer:


Body Systems Adaptive Immune System Skeletal Tissue RDA Dental Caries Biotechnology: Tools & Techniques Properties of The Hair and Scalp Heart and Blood Vessels Immunity and Vaccines DNA Structure and Function Agents of Disease Clinical Pathology Pathology Inflammation Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Thyroid Gland Somatotypes

Other quiz:

Gaseous Exchange in Humans › View

Gaseous exchange is by process of

A. respiration

B. diffusion

Adaptive Immune System › View

Which of the following statements is true?

A. Plasma cells produce antibodies that can exist in the blood system for between 10 and 20 years

B. Memory cells last a long period of time, plasma cells a significantly shorter period

C. Memory cells need to be replaced every 6 months via immune system stimulation

D. Mutatnt Cytotoxic T Cells are responsible for the formation of cancers