Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal Disorders Quiz

What is a big sign of joint disease that affects both active and passive movements?

A. Causes swelling and tenderness in one spot in the joint

B. Limited range of motion (ROM) across all directions

C. Occurs with excessive pronation and supination of forearm with an extended wrist

D. Swelling and tenderness around the joint

Select your answer:


Healthcare Systems and Settings Components of Physical Fitness Ears Histology - Tissues Common Respiratoty Diseases Hematology Lifetime Wellness Sports Medicine Epithelial Tissue Organization of Systems Medicinal use of Microorganisims Communicable Disease Nutritional Trivia Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Cells, Tissues and Organs

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Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology › View

What can an autotrophic organism do that a heterotrophic organism can NOT?

A. Make their own food 

B. Have a nucleus

C. Reproduce through binary fission

D. They’re the same

Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels › View

The Blood Vessels vasodilate when the Heart Rate increases, like during Exercise.
Why is that?

A. Vasodilation widens the Vessels allowing more Blood Flow

B. Vasodilation narrows the Vessels allowing more Blood Flow

C. Vasodilation widens the Vessels allowing less Blood Flow

D. Vasodilation narrows the Vessels allowing less Blood Flow