Medical Quiz

History of Medicine Quiz

Who is known for the development of the first successful rabies vaccine?

A. Edward Jenner

B. Jonas Salk

C. Louis Pasteur

D. Robert Koch

Select your answer:


Vital Signs Innate Immunity Epithelial Tissue Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Muscular Urinary System Parts of Human Body Central Nervous System Hele Skeletal System Integumentary System Pediatric Cardiology Heart Immunity in Humans Philosophy The Vascular System and Blood Flow

Other quiz:

Health and Nutrition › View

What is the most important meal of the day?

A. dinner

B. supper

C. lunch

D. breakfast

Respiratory System › View

Which of the following is true about upper respiratory infections?

A. It is also known as the “common cold”

B. It is also known as the “flu”

C. It affects the bronchial tree

D. It causes spasm of the bronchioles