Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

What is the correct order for the cardiac conduction system?

A. SA node, Bundle of His, AV node, Purkinje fibers

B. AV node, SA node, Bundle of His, Purkinje fibers

C. Bundle of His, SA node, AV node, Purkinje fibers

D. SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Purkinje fibers

Select your answer:


Dermatology Vocabulary ICU Vaccines Respiratory System Med Term Reproduction Epidemiology Hospital Unit Muscles and Movements Disease, Illness and Sickness The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Energy and Metabolism CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs Nervous / Sensory System Nail SSTI and Bone Infections

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Kidney tubules are also known as __________.

A. Glomerulus

B. Bowman’s capsule

C. Nephrons

D. Tubules

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A patient complaining of shortness of breath would be documented in which section of the SOAP note?

A. Subjective

B. Objective

C. Assessment

D. Plan