Medical Quiz

Endocrinology Quiz

What are the target organs of insulin?

A. Liver and pancreas

B. Liver and muscles

C. Liver and brain

Select your answer:


Chemistry Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Nature of Science Excretion-Dialysis Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Food Leaves Skeleton and Muscles Characteristics of Life Medical Microbiology Macro and Micro Nutrients Tissues Vet Science Terms Medical Vocabulary Erythrocyte Disorders Anatomy and Histology

Other quiz:

Microbiology › View

All cells —–

A. come from other dead cells

B. come from other living cells

C. crystallize out of the air

Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders › View

Hannah, a young athlete, is diagnosed with Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease. Explain the reasoning behind using physical therapy in her management plan.

A. It prevents the need for surgery

B. It maintains hip joint mobility and function

C. It is the least expensive treatment option

D. It allows for immediate return to sports