Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

What type of chemical bond stabilizes the base pairs in DNA?

A. Ionic bonds

B. Covalent bonds

C. Hydrogen bonds

D. Van der Waals forces

Select your answer:


Consciousness and Sleep Anatomy and Histology of Stomach Paeds Edema Nail Disorders and Diseases Macromolecules & Enzymes Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Microrganisms Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Joints and Range of Motion Embryology Biological Molecules and Enzymes Hematologic System Pancreas Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Energy and Metabolism

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Deltoid Muscle = C5,C6 =

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B. Suprascapular Nerve

C. Radial Nerve

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A. Arteries
B. Veins
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