Medical Quiz

Bacteriology Quiz

What is the form of transmission of B. anthracis disease of gram positive bacteria?

A. Insect bites

B. Airborne

C. Droplets

D. Fecal-oral

Select your answer:


Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases Cardiovascular and Respiratory Visual Impairment Nucleic Acids Human Reproduction Fluid and Electrolytes Health and Wellness Respiratory System Viruses Biomolecules Patient-Centered Endocrinology Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Diabetes Immunity and Vaccines A Treat For Mosquitoes Hospice Basics

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Tissues of The Body › View

Which is not a type of eptithelial tissue?

A. squamous

B. elastin

C. cuboidal

D. striated

Lung & Breathing › View

You have 2 bronchi, each one is called a _____________.

A. bronchiole

B. bronchus

C. bronchioley