Medical Quiz

DNA, RNA, Proteins Quiz

What is a codon?

A. A sequence of three nitrogen bases in DNA that specifies an amino acid

B. A sequence of three nitrogen bases in tRNA that corresponds to an amino acid

C. A sequence of three nitrogen bases in mRNA that specifies an amino acid

D. A sequence of three nitrogen bases in rRNA that forms part of the ribosome

Select your answer:


Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Haematology Genetics Vocabulary Germs & Diseases Oral Surgery Cell Cycle Dentistry Integumentary System & Body Directions Major Nutrients Health and Hygiene Biodiversity Conservation Characteristics of Life Pathophysiology Communicable Disease Visual Impairment

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In case of an emergency, how should you move a person with a suspected spinal injury?


B. Use the barrelling technique

C. Use the log-roll technique

D. Move them however you want, as long as the head is kept stable and in line with the spinal cord

Ear/Eye Medical Terms › View

Suffix meaning surgical repair

A. -oma

B. -plasty

C. -scope

D. -scopy