★ Hematology / Oncology Quiz
What type of crisis in Sickle Cell Anemia is characterized by painless, lethargy, headache, fever, and anemia?
A. Vaso-occlusive thrombotic crisis
B. Splenic sequestration
C. Aplastic crisis
D. Acute chest syndrome
Select your answer:
Cosmetology Anatomy Digestion Cardiorespiratory Endurance Homeostasis Cell Structure and Function Concept Agents of Disease Careers in Health Care Serology/Blood Typing Factors Affecting Health The Digestive System Children Well-being Oncology Psychology Vocabulary Muscular System Movements My TeethOther quiz:
Heart Structure and Double Circulation › View2 atria, 1 ventricle
Which animal has the above heart structure?
A. Insect
B. Fish
C. Amphibian
D. Human
SPED Law-lympics › View
Students who have asthma, seizures, ADD, ADHD, and so much more can qualify as OHI. But what does this stand for?
A. Orthopedic Health Impairment
B. Other Health Issues
C. Orthopedic Hearing Impairment
D. Other Health Impairment