Medical Quiz

Shoulder Quiz

Which of the following landmarks are not found on the scapula?

A. Xiphoid process

B. Spine

C. Acromion

D. Medial Border

Select your answer:


HCMA - Hematology Health and Hygiene Mutations, Replication, and Cancer 5 Major Food Groups Inherited & Acquired Traits Patho_Genetics Geriatrics Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria HNBS Intern Autoimmune Disease Diseases & Disorders Plasmid Hematology Acute Leukemias Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Cell Theory & Melanoma

Other quiz:

The Musculoskeletal System › View

Why are the bones of the wrist and ankle not fused

A. To provide greater strength

B. To provide greater mobility

C. To make the wrist and ankle lighter

D. So more muscles can attach to those bones.

Inflammation and Tissue Repair › View

A decrease in this type of vitamin will result in a decrease in collagen formation.

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin B1

C. Vitamin B2

D. Vitamin C