Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Quiz

This is the name of the simple sugar that is found in your blood?

A. water

B. glucose

C. sodium

D. sugar

Select your answer:


Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Heredity Cellular Transport and Metabolism Eczema Viruses and Prions Knee Anatomy Physical and Sensory Impairment Epithelial Infection Psychiatry Respiration IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion Agents of Disease Diabetes

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An egg apparatus contains

A. An egg + two antipodals

B. An egg + Secondary nucleus

C. An egg + Two synergids

D. Antipodal cell + synergid

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Thyroid hormones effect all of the following except:

A. Metabolism

B. Growth

C. Development

D. Blood Calcium