Medical Quiz

Biochemistry Quiz

Which of the following is an example of a molecule?

A. CaCl2

B. NaCl

C. H2O

D. K

Select your answer:


Bones Anatomy Muscular System NCHSE Endocrine System and Nervous System Deficiency Diseases Cardiorespiratory Endurance Population Ecology Renal & Neural Cell Vocabulary Brain/Neuron Anatomy SPED Law-lympics Enzymes Medicine Clinics Pain Management Nail Disorders and Diseases Tissue Repair Pathology

Other quiz:

Neuroanatomy › View

When the vestibulocerebellum sends information up the brainstem to activate the occular muscles, what is the pathway involved called?

A. Reticulospinal tract

B. Medial longitudinal fasiculus

C. Medial lemniscus pathway

D. None of the above

Wellness & Influences › View

the overall condition of a person’s body

A. Emotional Health

B. Social Health

C. Physical Health

D. Psychological Health