Medical Quiz

Human Eye Quiz

The person who is suffering from _____________ requires bi-focal lens.

A. (a) Hypermetropia

B. (b) Myopia

C. both option(a) and (b)

D. none of these

Select your answer:


CPR Vitals Skin Growth Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Common Respiratoty Diseases Skin Structure and Growth Hele Skeletal System The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level Ear/Eye Medical Terms Human Anatomy and Physiology Fitness Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Respiratory and Urinary Knee Anatomy

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Epithelial Tissue › View

The epidermis of the skin is

A. simple squamous keratinized

B. stratified squamous keratinized

C. simple squamous nonkeratinized

D. stratified squamous nonkeratinized

Biology › View

the lost of root hairs are regenerated from the …. in the root .

A. cortex

B. epidermis

C. elongation zone

D. xylem