Causes increased MCHC except
A. Lipemic samples
B. Icteric samples
C. Increased wbc count
Select your answer:
Pulmonary System Respiratory Skin Structure and Growth Compact Bone Physiology Pathology Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up ICU Neurology Endocrine System Disorders Pathogens Inheritance Virus and Bacteria ology & phobia Heterotrophic Nutrition Principle of Health ScienceOther quiz:
Shoulder › ViewAn athlete comes up to you and tells you that he was lifting a very heavy weight, and heard a loud snap. Upon evaluation, you notice that there is a bulge in the middle of his anterior humerus and he has weakness in elbow and shoulder flexion. What pathology might this athlete have suffered?
A. Triceps brachii rupture
B. Pectoralis major rupture
C. Rotator cuff rupture
D. Biceps brachii rupture
Urinary System and Fluid Balance › View
The first structure in the kidney to collect newly formed urine is the:
A. Renal capsule
B. Minor calyx
C. Renal pelvis
D. Renal sinus
E. Renal cortex