Medical Quiz

Hematology Quiz

Causes increased MCHC except

A. Lipemic samples

B. Icteric samples

C. Increased wbc count


Select your answer:


Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Unintentional Injuries All About Bacteria Autism Awareness Teeth and Microbes Cardiovascular Diseases Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Respiratory and Urinary Nervous & Endocrine Systems Pain Management Circulation and Excretion Physical Myocarditis Physical Activity Deaf Blind

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Life Processes › View

The functional unit of the kidneys which includes the glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule and the Loop of Henle.

A. arteriole

B. veinule

C. alveoli

D. nephron

Cells › View

These cells gather and send information.

A. macrophages

B. nerve cells

C. fat cells

D. fibroblasts