Medical Quiz

Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Quiz

Which response usually occurs after an individual receives a vaccination for the influenza virus?

A. hormones in the blood stop reproduction of the virus

B. pathogens from the vaccine deactivate the virus

C. enzymes released from antigens digest the virus

D. antibodies against the virus are found in the blood

Select your answer:


Mitosis Sense of Sight Proteins Surgical tech-safety A&P Musculoskeletal Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems EMR - Trauma Types of Nutrients Health-Wellness-Illness Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Consciousness and Sleep Healthcare Systems and Settings Disease Prevention Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System

Other quiz:

General Microbiology and Immunology › View

Which of the following is NOT a type of microorganism?

A. Mammals

B. Bacteria

C. Viruses

D. Helminths

Heart and Blood Vessels › View

The largest artery in the body is the:

A. Aorta

B. Pulmonary Artery

C. Carotid Artery

D. Brachiocephalic Artery