★ Eye Histology Quiz
All the zonular fibers together make the ____________.
A. Sling tendon
B. Slingluar ligament
C. Suspensory ligament
D. Suspensory tendon
Select your answer:
Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Homeotic Genes and Cancer Diet Human Physiology Obesity Population Genetics Muscoskeletal System The Microbial World Intravenous Fluid Therapy Enzymes and Their Functions Microbes PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Endocrinology Cellular Components Deficiency DiseasesOther quiz:
Skeleton and Muscles › Viewwhat kind of muscle is found only in the heart?
A. valentine muscle
B. smooth muscle
C. skeletal muscle
D. cardiac muscle
Differentiation and Division of Human Cells › View
How many pairs of chromosome does a germline cell have?
A. 23
B. 24
C. 25
D. 22