Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

Maximum rigor mortis occurs

A. between 2-4 hours

B. 2-6 hours after death

C. 12 hours after death

D. 48 hours after death

Select your answer:


Anatomical Terminology Joints in our Body Cellular Components The Human Body Consciousness and Sleep CP A&P: Cardiovascular Human Reproduction ESR (RBC sed rate) Body Fluids Compact Bone Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Inflammation and Tissue Repair Ecology & Organisms Burns and Skin Cancer Weight Management

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Sweat glands

A. coiled tubular glands in the deep dermis

B. grape-shaped collections of cells with a common duct that surround hair follicles

Biology › View

How many cells are in a unicellular organism?

A. 1

B. None – it doesn’t have any cells

C. Trillions