Medical Quiz

History of Psychology Quiz

Which early psychological perspective believes that the mind can be broken up into separate parts?

A. introspection

B. structuralism

C. functionalism

D. empricism

Select your answer:


Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Muscle Tissue Parkinson Disease Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Major Organs Human Reproduction Pain Pathophysiology Circulatory and Nervous System Diet Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Microorganism - Diseases Bacteriology Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Endocrinology First Aid Bleeding

Other quiz:

Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up › View

The major categories of things found in a microscopic urine include all except;

A. microorganisms

B. cast

C. cells

D. antibodies

Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems › View

The following are the classifications of joints according to the movement they allow, EXCEPT;

A. immovable joints

B. slightly movable joints

C. synovial joints

D. hinge joints