Medical Quiz

HNBS Intern Quiz

Posterior border of the posterior triangle of the neck:

A. Trapezius

B. Sternocleidomastoid

C. Splenius Capitis

D. Scalene

Select your answer:


ESR (RBC sed rate) Integumentary System Medical Terminology Cardiology Services Med Terms Foot Orthosis Vocab Healthcare Systems and Insurance Bones, Joints and Muscles Male Reproductive System RDA Dental Caries Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Psychopathology ADVBIO Genetics Circulatory System and Nutrition Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Musculoskeletal System Immunology IBD

Other quiz:

Anatomy And Physiology › View

Stimulus, Efferent Pathway, Response, Input, Output, Afferent Pathway, Receptor, Control Center

What is the correct order?

A. Receptor, Stimulus, Input, Efferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Afferent Pathway, Response

B. Stimulus, Receptor, Input, Efferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Afferent Pathway, Response

C. Stimulus, Receptor, Input, Afferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Efferent Pathway, Response

D. Receptor, Stimulus, Input, Afferent Pathway, Control Center, Output, Efferent Pathway, Response

Oncology › View

What is the main goal of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation?

A. Reduce tumor size

B. Provide pain relief

C. Replace diseased bone marrow

D. Manage infection