Medical Quiz

Vascular Quiz

What is a perivascular fluid collection above an irregular buckling of a patch an indication of?

A. pseudoanuerysm

B. hematoma

C. patch rupture

D. active infection

Select your answer:


Macromolecules Joints Viruses Inherited & Acquired Traits Body System Interactions Skills for Health Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Anatomy Renal, Cancer, HIV Forensics Terms Hematology Lab Values Injuries in Archery Lifetime Wellness A&P Musculoskeletal Immunity & Cancer

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What is the process where: mRNA is read within the ribosome, where associated anticodons are paired up, leaving their amino acid, creating a polypeptide chain.

A. Translation

B. Transcription

C. Translocation

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When two parents & biological children who live together

A. single parent family

B. nuclear family

C. foster family

D. childproofing