Medical Quiz

Vascular Quiz

When might the velocity criteria established for native (non operated) carotid arteries NOT be valid in a post-CEA ICA?

A. CEA with primary closure

B. CEA with patch closure

C. eversion CEA

D. native criteria are not used after any CEA procedure

Select your answer:


Chronic Diseases Deficiency Disease Medicine on the Western Front Cardiorespiratory System Digestive and Circulatory System Inflammation and Tissue Repair Cell Membrane and Transport Cell Bio Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Physical Pharmacy Plant Biotechnology HFT Vitamins Health and Nutrition Sterile Medication Products Diabetes

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Diphtheria and bacillary are examples of ………… inflammation

A. Haemorrhagic

B. Pseudomembranous

C. Serous

Pathophysiology › View

A pituitary gland disorder characterized by a lack of ADH production is called

A. Diabetes insipidus

B. Diabetes mellitus

C. Coronary artery disease

D. Polycystic kidney disease