Medical Quiz

Medical Vocabulary Quiz

something that must be completed before something else

A. prerequisite

B. entrance examination

C. medical school

D. foundation program

Select your answer:


Bio Cells Diagnostic Tools Physical and Sensory Impairment Transport System Cell Structure and Function Concept Body Fluids Environmental Biotechnology ADVBIO Genetics Neuroanatomy of CNS Cosmetology Illness and Symptoms Dermis Joints & Movement Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Biology › View

A compound produces O2 during its splitting in the photosynthesis process

a. H2S

b. CO2

c. H2O

d. NH3

Bacteriology › View

An inoculated thioglycolate medium culture tube is clear throughout the tube except for dense growth at the bottom of the tube. What is your conclusion?

A. The organisms are obligate anaerobes.

B. The organisms are facultative anaerobes.

C. The organisms are aerotolerant.

D. The organisms are obligate aerobes.