Medical Quiz

The Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Skeletal muscle tissue can perform various functions ,which of the following is not one of them.

A. Create heat

B. Provide Movement

C. provide shape to the body

D. Produce red blood cells

Select your answer:


Respiratory Diseases The Chemistry of Microbiology First Aid Bleeding Healthy Living Cardiology Medications Hospital Unit Corona Nervous & Endocrine Systems Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases Healthy Foundations Biology for Engineers Patho_Genetics Enzymes and ATP Structure Brain and Nervous System DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis

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Osteoporosis › View

What is osteoporosis often called?

A. bone breaker

B. mineral deficiency

C. silent thief

D. bone buster

Sarcomere Anatomy › View

Which part of a sarcomere contains only thick filaments?

A. I band

B. A band

C. H zone

D. Z zone