Medical Quiz

Circulatory and Respiratory System Quiz

Vocal chords are two folds of tissue that stretch across this organ, allowing you to talk. Your vocal cords are in your _______________.

A. trachea

B. bronchi

C. larynx

D. alveoli

Select your answer:


Radiation and Health Pediatrics Health and The Environment Molecular Basis of Inheritance Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi The Chemistry of Microbiology Human Body and Pathogens Human Reproduction Properties of The Hair and Scalp Types of Medical Reports Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids Nail Circulatory and Lymphatic System

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Is an increased body WEIGHT ABOVE NORMAL for the age and height?

A. Overweight

B. Underweight

C. Cavities

Disease Cards › View

highly contagious, acute viral respiratory illness that now has a vaccine; causes total body skin rash and fever along with breathing difficulty; no longer; has not originated in the US since 2000, but many outbreaks from foreign travelers

A. Tubercuolsis

B. Whooping Cough

C. Trichinosis

D. Measles